More Ren & Stimpy Layouts--Episode: "Altruists"

Labels: Altruists, Dog Show, kid, Ren and Stimpy, show
Various Animations & Drawings (For the drawings, you can click on them to get a larger/clearer view)
Labels: Altruists, Dog Show, kid, Ren and Stimpy, show
Labels: axe, book ends, Fire Chief, Fire Dogs 2, Ralph Bakshi, Ren and Stimpy
Labels: Depression, Rage, Surrealism, tatoo
Labels: Altruists, Ren and Stimpy, Ren Angry, Stimpy scared
Labels: axe, Fire Dogs 2, Fire Dogs II, Ralph Bakshi, Ren and Stimpy, the take
Labels: animation, Cletus, crazy, crude, expression, Floyd, model sheet, pose, poses
Labels: cop, pig character, police, pulled over, Ren and Stimpy
Labels: Cartoon Network, follow-through action, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, secondary action, test, Wilt
It's a Bloo scene where he acts differently for each name he's coming up for himself. It was basically a test on acting.
Labels: acting, Bloo, Cartoon Network, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, test
I found these on some random website awhile back and well, here they are. It's too bad there wasn't anything from the episode "Fire Dogs II", I did layouts for that one also. I do have allot of Layout Drawings of these episodes that I'll post soon. I just decided that since I have these final stills already on my computer, that I might as well post them.
Labels: Adult Party Cartoon, Altruists, cartoon, Fire Dogs 2, Fire Dogs II, layouts, Lost Episodes, Ren, Ren and Stimpy, slap-stick, Spumco, stills, Stimpy, Stimpy's Pregnant
Labels: bear, cartoon, classical animation, Jungle Book, loose, pen, quick, sketches
Labels: cartoons, Disney, Illusion of Life, Mickey Mouse, mouse, pen drawings, Piglet, sketches, traditional animation, Winnie the Poo
Labels: classic, post rennaissance, Rembrandt, rennaissance, self portrait
Labels: Head of Warrior, Ideal Head, Leonardo, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, old masters, rennaissance, studies, Vinci
Labels: cat, Cletus, Donald Duck, effects, Floyd, fly, Jump Start, Mickey Mouse, Rat, Roach, Sabrina, Salem the Cat, spider, walk cycle
Labels: animation, Bloo, Cartoon Network, Cheese, Coco, Eduardo, Flash, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Frankie, Mac, Mr. Herriman, Wilt